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Hays Travel Foundation helps to fund drop in sessions in Edinburgh
Hays Travel Foundation helps to fund drop in sessions in Edinburgh

Edinburgh City Youth Café is a charity that provides free services to all young people living in and around Edinburgh, especially those with challenging lifestyles or living with a defined disadvantage. The charity operates on the vision that service users will attain their personal goals in life, will be protected and will be empowered to be responsible and successful citizens that contribute to safer communities.

Edinburgh City Youth Café applied for a grant from the Hays Travel Foundation to support their Drop In and Holiday Provision.

The Drop In provision is open to young people up to the age of 21 and it offers a safe and welcoming space for young people to socialise, learn new skills and access support when they need it the most. Whilst being in the safe and welcoming space, young people have the opportunity to take part in activities such as healthy cooking, first aid training as well as the opportunity to play musical instruments.

In addition to the Drop In, Edinburgh City Youth Café also run the Holiday provision. The Holiday Provision creates a structured and inclusive environment where young people can engage in activities that promote social interaction, develop new skills and personal growth. The provision has included activities such as a coach trip to a theme park, beach day out as well as a visit to a trampoline centre.

With the help of the funding from Hays Travel Foundation, Edinburgh City Youth Café’s services changed and saved lives which will have a life changing impact on the youth of Edinburgh.