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4-Star Dusseldorf & Cologne Christmas Markets

4-Star Dusseldorf & Cologne Christmas Markets

4-Star Dusseldorf & Cologne Christmas Markets

Why Book?

  • All coach travel
  • 3 nights hotel accommodation
  • 3 breakfasts
  • Included excursions throughout
  • Local UK joining points
  • Visit three different iconic Christmas Markets
  • Start your Christmas shopping wandering little stalls offering unique, handcrafted gifts
  • Indulge in some culinary delights, such as ’Lebkuchen’ soft gingerbread cookies
  • Dec 2025 departures available

Day 1: UK - Dusseldorf

Depart the UK by coach today to Düsseldorf, where you will stay for three nights. On this trip you will visit some of Germany’s most popular Christmas markets, and there is plenty in Düsseldorf to 
get you in the festive spirit, including gingerbread houses and of course, mulled wine.

Day 2: Cologne

Today, travel to the majestic city of Cologne. The advent magic spreads throughout Cologne at this time of year, when the idyllic Christmas markets open their gates to visitors. The many festive stalls offer traditional goods and handcrafted gifts, and the wonderful spicy aromas of cinnamon stars, baked apples, and roasted almonds fill the air. Start at the Christmas market in Kolner Dom/ Cathedral Square, boasting a huge, decorated fir tree. Not far away, the rustic ‘Heinzels Winter Fairytale’ Christmas market, dedicated to the legend of the ‘Heinzelmannchen’ (or elves) of Cologne, is situated in the heart of Cologne’s Old Town. Next door on Rudolfplatz, travellers of all ages will enjoy the “Village of St Nicholas”. This market tends to have reindeer, elves, and a huge
advent calendar. Whilst visiting Cologne, be sure to indulge in some typical culinary delights such as the famous ’Christstollen’ yeast cakes, ’Lebkuchen’ soft gingerbread cookies and Marzipan almond confections. You can also try the mandatory ’Glühwein’, a hot spiced wine in mugs perfect to warm chilly hands. In the evening, return to Dusseldorf and enjoy some free time to explore the city.

Day 3: Valkenburg

Head to Valkenburg today to enjoy the festive splendour of the Christmas market in the Town Cave (Gemeentegrot), the oldest underground Christmas market in Europe. The magnificent ancient galleries provide the perfect backdrop to the occasion. In the evening, return to Dusseldorf and enjoy some more free time.

Day 4: Dusseldorf - UK

Your Christmas adventure ends today. Your coach will take you back to the UK.

  • Guests: 2 Adults
  • Duration: 3 Nights
  • Board: Bed & Breakfast
  • Departing: Return coach from select UK pickups
  • Offer Date: November/December 2025


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