The Greatest Sporting Shows on Earth
Date Posted: 19/06/2024

Embarking on a tour doesn’t need to come from the desire to explore a country. Sometimes it can come from longing to witness a must-see event up close.
For decades, displays of raw talent and exceptional skill have lit up the world of sports. Whether it be young athletes claiming coveted titles, underdog teams winning championships, iconic game-ending shots, or legendary photo finishes, these historic moments live with spectators long after returning home. Few things quite compare to the influence of an iconic sporting event. Uprooting fans by their millions to unfamiliar lands with the burning desire to cheer on their home nations or favourite sportsmen, sports have long steered travellers to new and exciting corners of the globe. So why not take the chance to truly discover a destination, all in the name of sport?
Our sporting tours take you deep into astonishing countries, immerse you in cultures, show you breathtaking sights, and deliver you to some of the greatest sporting shows on earth. From the spellbinding landscapes of New Zealand and sensational skylines of Singapore to the neon nightlife of Las Vegas and the torched deserts of Qatar - sport can take you on an adventure like no other. Want to hear the roar of Formula 1 engines at the Grand Prix? Kick back for a wonderful day at Wimbledon? Watch a jaw-dropping masterclass of cricket? Whatever your sport, there’s a headline event waiting to be attended – and an even more unforgettable tour to match.

Behind a TV screen may give you the best bird’s eye view or high-definition instant replay. But it doesn’t translate the true beauty of sport. The thick taste of anticipation in the air. The rallying chants of supporters. The deafening hush of nail-biting silence as you wait for a countdown buzzer to sound. The electric joy of standing shoulder to shoulder with fellow followers; some of whom have waited a lifetime for this exact moment of triumph. Sports were made to be experienced in person. Made to bring people together in unison. And so are our tours.